Applications are now open on the AIME website
( for individuals interested in attending AIME 2006, the AsiaPacific Incentives & Meetings Expo, as a
Hosted Buyer.
AIME 2006
will be held at the Melbourne Exhibition Centre, Australia, on 6 and 7 June 2006. The event includes more than 850 exhibitors from 50 countries and is the key event for
the meetings and incentive industry in the Asia Pacific region.
“If you are responsible for organising, influencing or making budgetary decisions for business travel, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, incentive travel or special
events in the Asia Pacific region then we invite you to apply for hosting to AIME,” said Rosemarie Sama, AIME Event Director.
Those that qualify to be Fully Hosted to AIME 2006 will receive return air travel, hotel accommodation and entry to AIME including seminars and social events.
Hosted Buyers are required to participate in the Pre Scheduled Appointment (PSA) Programme and choose appointments with 24 AIME exhibitors over the two day
event. This Programme ensures that Buyers meet the people they most desire to do business with at
Hosted Buyers can also participate in pre touring in Melbourne and post touring to other Australian destinations.
There are three categories of Hosted Buyers: Fully Hosted Buyers, Semi Hosted Buyers and Trade Buyers. There are also specific programmes for Association and
Victorian Buyers within these categories.
other recent news regarding:
Travel Trade Rates, Travel
Trade Shows