an online travel company in Asia Pacific, is to offer a ‘white label’ version of its online travel search and booking functionality to third parties through a newly
established company division: ZUJI Travel Partner Network.
With initial B2B implementations with China Airlines in Taiwan for hotel search, and a major site implementation with Gullivers Pacific in New Zealand, which brought a
ZUJI-branded online travel site to market in a matter of months, under its belt already, ZUJI has hit the ground running, and Chad Howard, ZUJI’s General Manager of
Partnerships has aggressive forward plans.
Chad Howard comments “ZUJI already has portal alliances as a start up strategy to reach as many travelling consumers as possible. Now with our experience and
robust site technology, and our sites across the region are tried and tested, it’s time to think beyond our current site implementations towards new B2B relationships. I
envisage making quarterly updates of major portal implementations throughout 2005 as we have already had a number of interested parties contact us to learn more.”
The end result is that travel agents and/or travel suppliers now have the opportunity to sell travel products online, through a ZUJI relationship, and earn money through a
relationship with ZUJI for online sales.
“Many airlines, for example, are very focussed on their direct online channels, but are looking for ways to offer their customers more content, without having to source it,
build it or manage it themselves. Enter ZUJI. ZUJI’s Travel Partner Network relationships now offer a wide range of options to third parties, which allow suppliers and
agents to either enhance their current site offering, or get online without the start up costs for building an online presence from scratch.”
ZUJI offers three key partner relationship options:
1. ZUJI Alliance/Affiliate Partner (Internet portal alliances)
2: ZUJI Private Label Partners (A ‘plug and play’ version of travel search and booking technology for just hotels, or just flights or customised alternatives)
3. ZUJI Network Partner (full range of content and technology – partnership to bring ZUJI branded travel portal to new countries throughout Asia.)
ZUJI has flexible pricing models based on the relationship forged, and
has a sales target focus rather than build-it from scratch business model.
“The value of ZUJI is more than the content and track record of success, it’s the confidence of dealing with a reputable, leading and trusted partner. This means ZUJI
technology allows the search, booking, payment and e-ticketing online, and ZUJI manages the risk management elements of the sale – in most key partner relationship
options.” added Howard.
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