JAL has added an interactive foreign
language learning course to its in-flight entertainment programming enabling passengers to study the language of their
destination - or other countries - as they fly.
The language course is the interactive ‘Berlitz Word Traveler’, which contains 22 languages with course instruction provided in 19 languages. Language courses
are available for Arabic, Dutch, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), English, French, German, Greek, Hindu, Indonesia, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
Portuguese, Malay, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese.
Each language course covers essential vocabulary and useful phrases presented under the four main lesson headings of numbers, dates, words and dialog.
Passengers can learn, for example, how to count, tell the time, and ask and answer basic questions, in addition to learning a wide variety of travel-related
vocabulary covering such topics as food and accommodation. To make the
learning process more fun and productive there is even language-related games,
mini tests, and pronunciation checkingi.
‘Berlitz Word Traveler’ is available in all classes on JAL international flights equipped with MAGIC III - JAL’s latest in-flight entertainment system. Installation of
‘Berlitz Word Traveler’ onto all such flights was completed at the end of October 2005.
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