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If you are travelling to Japan on leisure then knowing when the National Holidays are can help you to enjoy some of the more cultural festivals that may take place during that time. For those travelling on business, then trying to avoid National Holidays, will help save you save time and money. The following are Japan's National Holidays for 2006:


1 January 2006 New Year's Holiday
2 January National Holiday
9 January Coming of Age Day
11 February National Foundation Day
21 March Vernal Equinox Day
29 April Greenery Day
3 May Constitution Memorial Day
4 May National Holiday
5 May Children's Day
17 July Marine Day 
18 September Respect for the Aged Day
23 September Autumnal Equinox Day
9 October Health and Sports Day
3 November National Cultural Day 
23 November Labor Thanksgiving Day
23 December The Emperor's Birthday

See also other countries: National Holidays in 2007.

Topics covering Japan: Japan - General - Japan's Climate - When to Travel, Japan National Holidays 2012, Japan Visa Requirements, Japan Safety Considerations, Toilets in Japan, Electronics in Japan, Hotels in Japan, Ryokan in Japan, HD Videos from JATA Travel and Tourism Forum 2012. Travel News about Tokyo, Osaka, Japan


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