Search Results Your search for The Pearl Qatar found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched): Displaying documents 1-8 of 53, with best matches first:
- 1. The Pearl-Qatar awards Parsons International detailed Engineering Design Contract
The Pearl-Qatar awards Parsons International detailed Engineering Design Contract.
- 2. MEED Conference hears how The Pearl-Qatar will Deliver Socio-Economic Benefits
MEED Conference hears how The Pearl-Qatar will Deliver Socio-Economic Benefits.
- 3. Three Islands on The Pearl-Qatar Sold for Hospitality Development
Three Islands on The Pearl-Qatar Sold for Hospitality Development.
- 4. Judy Neil appointed Director of Marketing and Communications at The Pearl-Qatar
Judy Neil appointed Director of Marketing and Communications at The Pearl-Qatar.
- 5. The Pearl-Qatar appoints Callison for Main Marina design and construction architecture
The Pearl-Qatar appoints Callison for Main Marina design and construction architecture.
- 6. Cityscape to mark UAE debut of The Pearl-Qatar
Cityscape to mark UAE debut of The Pearl-Qatar.
- 7. The Pearl-Qatar to be iconic asset for Qatar
The Pearl-Qatar to be iconic asset for Qatar.
- 8. The Pearl-Qatar to make European Debut at UK Expo
The Pearl-Qatar to make European Debut at UK Expo.
Documents 1-8 of 53 displayed. Results Pages: 1 2
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