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Search Travel News Asia for: SVGS

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Your search for SVGS found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 73-76 of 76, with best matches first:

73. American Airlines to Start Pre-Flight COVID19 Testing on Select Routes
American Airlines is collaborating with several foreign governments to begin offering preflight COVID19 testing for customers traveling to international destinations, starting with Jamaica and the Bahamas.
74. Insufficient Capacity Dampens Air Cargo in August
Asia-Pacific airlines saw demand for international air cargo fall 18.3% in August 2020 compared to the same month in 2019. After a robust initial recovery in May, month-on-month growth in seasonally-adjusted demand declined for the second consecutive month. International capacity is particularly constrained in the region, down 35%.
75. IATA Downgrades Traffic Forecast for 2020
IATA has downgraded its traffic forecast for 2020 to reflect a weaker-than-expected recovery, as evidenced by a dismal end to the summer travel season in the Northern Hemisphere. IATA now expects full-year 2020 traffic to be down 66% compared to 2019. The previous estimate was for a 63% decline.
76. Qatar's Hamad International Airport Testing More Contactless Solutions
Hamad International Airport (HIA) in Qatar is currently testing happyhover and SITA Mobile Solution technology for contactless self-check-in and baggage drop. The introduction of these advanced smart solutions is part of HIA’s ongoing efforts to safeguard its staff and passengers from COVID19.

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