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Your search for STR found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 345-352 of 6859, with best matches first:

345. 161,656 Hotel Rooms in 1,027 Projects Under Contract in Europe
According to STR's February 2017 Pipeline Report, there are 161,656 hotel rooms in 1,027 projects Under Contract in Europe. The total represents a 1.3% decrease in rooms Under Contract compared with February 2016.
346. 433,589 Hotel Rooms Under Contract in U.S.A.
According to the March 2015 STR Pipeline Report, there are 3,566 hotel projects totaling 433,589 rooms Under Contract in the United States. This represents a 13.7% increase in the number of rooms Under Contract compared with March 2014, and a 22.7% increase in rooms under construction. Among the Top 25 Markets, New York, New York, reported the most rooms Under Contract with 29,928
347. 553,895 Hotel Rooms Under Contract in Asia Pacific
According to the April 2015 STR Global Construction Pipeline Report, there are 2,403 hotels totalling 553,895 rooms Under Contract in the Asia Pacific region. This represents a 7.3% increase in rooms Under Contract compared with April 2014, and a 1.7% year-on-year decrease in rooms under construction. The region reported 252,317 rooms in 1,021 hotels under construction for the mont
348. 608,581 Hotel Rooms in 2,753 Projects Under Contract in Asia Pacific
According to STR’s April 2017 Pipeline Report, there are 608,581 rooms in 2,753 hotel projects Under Contract in the Asia Pacific region. The total represents a 3.8% increase in rooms Under Contract compared with April 2016.
349. 580,427 Hotel Rooms in 4,843 Projects Under Contract in United States
According to STR’s April 2017 Pipeline Report there are 580,427 rooms in 4,843 hotel projects Under Contract in the United States. The total represents a 14.7% increase in the number of rooms Under Contract compared with April 2016.
350. 626,535 Hotel Rooms in 2,834 Projects Under Contract in Asia Pacific
According to STR’s July 2017 Pipeline Report, there are 626,535 hotel rooms in 2,834 projects Under Contract in the Asia Pacific region. The total represents a 7.0% increase in rooms Under Contract compared with July 2016.
351. 542,419 Hotel Rooms in 4,460 Projects Under Contract in U.S.
STR’s August 2016 Pipeline Report shows that there are 542,419 hotel rooms in 4,460 projects Under Contract in the United States. The total represents a 23.3% increase in the number of rooms Under Contract compared with August 2015.
352. Violence in Bangkok Hurting Hotels
Violence in Bangkok Hurting Hotels. The ongoing crisis in Bangkok is having a significant negative impact on the city's hotel performance. Daily data compiled by STR Global shows the immediate impact while monthly trend data shows a marked resilience by hoteliers in the Thai capital during the last few years.

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