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Your search for Research found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
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345. Access Point Financial Joins Strategic Corporate Alliance Program at Cornell
Access Point Financial has joined the strategic corporate alliance program at the Cornell School of Hotel Administration (SHA). Through the alliance, Access Point Financial will be a member of the Center for Hospitality Research (CHR) and an industry fellow of the Center for Real Estate and Finance (CREF). CEO Jon Wright will represent the company in the alliance.
346. Embraer Helping to Combat COVID19 in Brazil
Embraer is working in partnership with companies and research centers on technologies that can increase the availability of equipment and solutions to combat COVID19 in Brazil.
347. Aviation: Sabre Looks at Regional Differences in Ancillary Purchases
New research from Sabre has found that travelers would spend up to one hundred dollars to make their travel a little more “about me”. Sabre surveyed travelers from 20 countries about what they would spend and why. The results show that 80% of travelers purchased air extras on their last trip, spending an average of $62. When asked if they would spend more to personalize their trip,
348. Tourism New Zealand to launch Largest Ever Advertising Campaign in UK
Tourism New Zealand to launch Largest Ever Advertising Campaign in UK. New Zealand is preparing to launch its largest ever tourism campaign into the United Kingdom. The $7.3 million Tourism New Zealand campaign is based on research that shows that Brits are most likely to make their travel decisions based on talking to other Brits.
349. Russia Now World’s 2nd Fastest Growing Outbound Travel Market
Fuelled by its growing middle class and rising spending power, Russia is experiencing a travel boom like never before. According to research by, which has just published its Russian International Travel Monitor (RITM), almost half (49%) of hoteliers worldwide have seen a rise in Russian guests in the last year, with 54% of those hoteliers seeing bookings grow by more tha
350. COVID19: WTTC Estimates 100+ Million Job Losses in Travel & Tourism Sector
According to the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the industry faces a staggering 100 million job losses due to the COVID19 pandemic. The startling figure, based on WTTC research, has increased by over 30% in just the last four weeks.
351. The Giving Bag Wins Cornell Student Sustainability Competition
The Giving Bag, a concept to save hotels money on lost and left behind items, is the winning concept in the third annual Cornell student sustainability competition, sponsored by Schneider Electric, a partner of the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research. The competition is conducted in conjunction with the annual Sustainability Roundtable at the Cornell School of Hotel Administrat
352. Airport Show opens in Dubai
Airport Show opens in Dubai. Massive airport development and expansion across the Middle East, Africa and Indian Subcontinent and the major issues affecting operators, local authorities, airlines and passengers, came under the spotlight Monday when the seventh Airport Show opened in Dubai. According to research carried out by the organisers, Streamline Marketing Group, airport deve

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