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Search Travel News Asia for: "Terminal 5"

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Your search for Terminal 5 found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 337-344 of 378, with best matches first:

337. Qatar Airways launches Flights to Nagpur in India
Located in the State of Maharashtra, Nagpur has a population of over two million people, has a rich farming belt and is India’s orange-growing centre. Nagpur is an extremely resource-rich region of Maharashtra offering tremendous business opportunities as it is also one of India’s largest inland container transport hubs. A new economic zone and airport are being planned in the city
338. Virgin Atlantic offering Fairtrade Tea and Coffee to Passengers
Virgin Atlantic offering Fairtrade Tea and Coffee to Passengers. Virgin Atlantic is now offering Fairtrade tea and coffee to all its passengers. The airline served nearly seven million cups of coffee and over five million cups of tea onboard flights in 2006 so a switch to these products will be a significant boost for farmers who are supplying the Fairtrade market.
339. HSMAI's Asia Connect Conference Series in Macau and Singapore this October
HSMAI's Asia Connect Conference Series in Macau and Singapore this October. Hospitality Sales and Marketing Managers in Asia Pacific will have an opportunity to learn more about revenue generation and other important industry trends at the Asia Connect conference series, happening October 5th in Singapore and October 10th in Macau. These events follow the inaugural Asia Connect con
340. Marriott opens Executive Apartments in Seoul
Marriott opens Executive Apartments in Seoul. Yeouido Park Centre, Seoul - Marriott Executive Apartments is located in the burgeoning financial and economic area of Yeouido, located on the Han River. The area is home to numerous international companies such as 3M and LG electronics. In distinct contrast to the lively metropolitan location, the hotel is situated next to the Yeouido
341. AIME 2008 confirms Speaker Showcase
AIME 2008 confirms Speaker Showcase. Reed Travel Exhibitions has teamed up with ICMI Speakers & Entertainers so delegates to AIME 2008 will be able to experience the excitement and motivation of four leading Australian-based speakers. The AIME ICMI Speaker Showcase will be held from 8am to 11am on the first morning of AIME, Tuesday 19 February.
342. Hogg Robinson releases Results from Comprehensive Hotel Industry Survey
Hogg Robinson releases Results from Comprehensive Hotel Industry Survey. Hogg Robinson Group's (HRG) six month hotel survey has found that the international hotel market is proving resilient amid tough economic conditions with most regions experiencing growth. The emerging economies have maintained their previous strength with Moscow, at 25% growth, once again topping the chart as
343. Lufthansa and Air France increase Fuel Surcharges
Lufthansa and Air France increase Fuel Surcharges. The crude oil and kerosene price has risen to an all-time high in recent weeks. Lufthansa and Air France are both reacting to this development by increasing their fuel surcharges on both intercontinental as well as on flights within Europe.
344. Smiths Group and General Electric Not to Proceed with Joint Venture
Smiths Group and General Electric Not to Proceed with Joint Venture. In March this year, Smiths Group plc and General Electric conditionally agreed to form a joint venture to be named Smiths GE Detection. The two have now announced that, after careful consideration, they have decided not to proceed to form the joint venture as they now believe the interests of both businesses are b

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