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Search Travel News Asia for: KLM

Search Results
Your search for KLM found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 297-304 of 6291, with best matches first:

297. KLM to de-list from Frankfurt Stock Exchange
KLM to de-list from Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
298. Air France, KLM and Lufthansa to Use Amadeus for Distribution in China
Air France, KLM and Lufthansa are among the first international airlines to receive approval from the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) to use Amadeus under the new CRS (Computer Reservations System) regulations. For the first time, the authorised airlines will be bookable, via Amadeus through a pre-selected group of travel agencies in Beijing. This preliminary group of
299. Air France-KLM reports January 2006 Traffic
Air France-KLM reports January 2006 Traffic.
300. KLM Doubles Self-Service check-in Capacity at Schipol
KLM Doubles Self-Service check-in Capacity at Schipol
301. Air France-KLM reports October 2006 Traffic
Air France-KLM reports October 2006 Traffic.
302. Air France-KLM posts positive Feburary Traffic Figures
Air France-KLM posts positive Feburary Traffic Figures.
303. Air France-KLM reports August 2006 Traffic
Air France-KLM reports August 2006 Traffic.
304. KLM to launch codesharing on Malev service to Skopje
KLM to launch codesharing on Malev service to Skopje.

Documents 297-304 of 6291 displayed.

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