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Your search for Adventure found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 273-280 of 1804, with best matches first:

273. Etihad Airways Reports 25.4% Q1 Growth in RPKs
Etihad Airways Reports 25.4% Q1 Growth in RPKs. Etihad Airways has reported a 25.4% growth in revenue passenger kilometres (RPKs) in the first quarter of 2010, far out-pacing the industry average and running ahead of the airline’s available seat kilometres (ASKs) growth of 22%. The improvement, against the first quarter of 2009, was matched by an increase in seat factors, from 73%
274. AirAsia Group CEO named Officier of the Legion d’Honneur
AirAsia Group CEO named Officier of the Legion d’Honneur. On Wednesday, AirAsia Group CEO Dato’ Sri Dr. Tony Fernandes was conferred the title of Officier of the Legion d’ Honneur by the government of France for his outstanding contributions to the aviation industry. Mr. Dominique Bussereau, Secretary of State for Transport of France, conferred the title on Tony in a ceremony held
275. 7th Phuket International Cricket Sixes 2010 Gets Underway
7th Phuket International Cricket Sixes 2010 Gets Underway. Cricket teams from Australia, India, Singapore, Pakistan, Indonesia, Hong Kong are in Phuket, Thailand this week to compete with local sides at the seventh annual Phuket International Cricket Sixes being played at Karon Stadium, Phuket, Thailand from 15 – 18 April.
276. AirAsia to launch Flights from Singapore to Miri and Tawau
AirAsia to launch Flights from Singapore to Miri and Tawau. AirAsia is to launch two new flights to Singapore. The new Singapore - Miri and Singapore - Tawau sectors, which begin 9 September, will help draw more inbound international tourist traffic arriving from Singapore into Sabah and Sarawak.
277. Small Luxury Hotels of the World Adds Five Properties to Portfolio
Small Luxury Hotels of the World (SLH) has added the following five new properties - in Thailand, Italy, Norway, Switzerland and St. Vincent & The Grenadines - to its impressive portfolio of luxury boutique hotels around the world.
278. Volcanic Ash Causes Worldwide Flight Delays
Volcanic Ash Causes Worldwide Flight Delays. Countries in Northern Europe are closing their airspace - except in the case of emergencies - due to a fear of the risk of flying through the volcanic ash that is being blown over by wind from Iceland. It is believed that the volcanic ash could cause engine failure if an aircraft were to fly through it.
279. Air France Takes Delivery of Third A380
Air France Takes Delivery of Third A380. Earlier this week, Air France took delivery of its third Airbus 380. Registration F-HPJC, the aircraft is now an integral part of the Air France fleet and will soon be operating daily flights between Paris and Johannesburg.
280. JAL to Increase Cargo Fuel Surcharge
JAL to Increase Cargo Fuel Surcharge. Japan Airlines (JAL) has applied to the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) to revise from 1 May 2010 its international cargo fuel surcharge for flights departing from Japan only.

Documents 273-280 of 1804 displayed.

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