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Search Travel News Asia for: Hughes

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Your search for Hughes found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 265-272 of 307, with best matches first:

265. Oman Air Implements Travelport’s Interactive Seat Assignment Solution
Travel agents booking Oman Air via Travelport’s Galileo and Worldspan distribution systems can now manage the seat selection process in a ‘live’ and interactive environment. The Interactive Seat Assignment functionality provides agents with greater ease in booking Oman Air content, and consequently helps them to improve customer service.
266. Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong to launch Sleep Ritual Treatment
Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong to launch Sleep Ritual Treatment. In January, the Mandarin Spa at the Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong is to launch a special Sleep Ritual treatment for guests needing a little help relaxing properly. Priced at HK$1,400 for a 90-minute treatment, the ritual is designed to induce sleep through the use of music, scents and massage, thereby relaxing the
267. Influential Speakers Headline Silversea's 2013 Enrichment Program
Silversea Cruises has again signed up an impressive array of renowned authors, historians, political analysts and other cultural experts to host the line's popular Silver Perspectives enrichment program this year. Fans of the hit television series Downton Abbey will be pleased to know that British royalty expert Alastair Bruce of Crionaich, OBE, a consultant to the PBS Masterpiece
268. Rwanda Looking to Ignace Nsanzimana for Tries
Rwanda’s Silverbacks are banking on speedster Ignace Nsanzimana to propel them to glory on their third tour to Hong Kong this week. The flying winger is one of two new players in the squad that will take part in the Altus Kowloon RugbyFest 10-a-side tournament at King’s Park on Wednesday, 21 March 2012.
269. Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong launches Caviar Collagen Facial
Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong launches Caviar Collagen Facial. The Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong has launched a new treatment, the Caviar Collagen facial at the Mandarin Spa. Available from 19 August to 30 November 2008, and priced at HK$1,400 this 75-minute facial is designed to rejuvenate tone and texture while leaving skin with a more youthful glow and softer feel. Guests bo
270. Boeing Establishes Disruptive Computing and Networks Organization
Boeing has established a new Disruptive Computing and Networks (DC&N) organization to develop computing and communications solutions for advanced commercial and government aerospace applications.
271. 16,000 Herbalife Executives from 14 countries in Asia Pacific attend 2007 Herbalife Extravaganza
16,000 Herbalife executives from 14 countries in Asia Pacific attend 2007 Herbalife Extravaganza in Singapore Singapore welcomes Largest Corporate Meeting to date the 2007 Herbalife Asia Pacific Extravaganza. The Asia Pacific Extravaganza targets Herbalife product distributors who have committed to achieving specific sales targets. The event provides a platform for product distribu
272. Natasha Olson-Thorne Becomes Hong Kong’s First Player to Score Rugby World Cup Try
Natasha Olson-Thorne became the first Hong Kong player to score a try in a Rugby World Cup as her side went down 39-15 to Wales in Dublin on Thursday. Hong Kong meant business from the outset and matched their more fancied opponents for the first 60 minutes, before fading late and letting Wales pile on three tries in the final quarter.

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