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Your search for Asia Aviation found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 265-272 of 314, with best matches first:

265. UNWTO Partners UNESCO to Promote Sustainable Tourism
The UNWTO and United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have forged a new cooperation agreement consolidating efforts on sustainable tourism and the protection of natural and cultural heritage.
266. Thai Airways to Launch Flights to Sendai, Japan
Thai Airways International is to launch direct flights between Bangkok and Sendai, Japan, on 3 December 2013. Thai Airways will operate three flights per week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, operated with Airbus A330-300 aircraft, equipped with 299 passenger seats: 26 Royal Silk Class seats and 263 Economy Class seats.
267. Archipelago to Open Five More Neo Hotels in Bali
Archipelago International has unveiled plans to open five new Neo hotels in Bali, Indonesia. Bali was first introduced to the ever-expanding Neo brand with the opening of Neo Kuta Jelantik, located on Jalan Patih Jelantik, in April. In light of its success, Archipelago International now aims to open five further Neo hotels in Tuban, Legian, Petitenget, Renon, and Gatot Subroto.
268. Clark International Airport Upgrades Passenger Processing System
Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC) has signed a three-year contract with ARINC to upgrade its passenger processing system its airport in Pampanga, Philippines, with vMUSE. ARINC’s vMUSE currently supports more than 300 airlines at over 100 airports worldwide and is a fully functional multi-user system environment that delivers shared passenger and flight information.
269. Tour de France 2015 to Start in Utrecht
In 2015, the Netherlands will host the Grand Start of the Tour de France for the sixth time. There is a year, seven months and six days until the 102nd edition of the Tour de France kicks off from Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands.
270. Minor International Acquires 50% Stake in Niyama, Maldives
Minor International has acquired a 50% stake in Niyama, Maldives. Niyama is part of the Per Aquum brand, which MINT acquired 50% of in August of this year. The total investment in Niyama is US$ 22.5 million. Niyama is a modern 86-key resort that aims to offer guests more than a romantic Maldivian escape by balancing tranquility with a sense of discovery, stimulation and fun
271. Mövenpick Hotel White Sand Beach Pattaya Appoints GM and DOSM
Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts has made the following two key executive appointments at its upcoming beach resort in Pattaya, Thailand, scheduled to open during the third quarter of 2014. Alexander Haeusler will head the property as General Manager and Takako Tomizawa will be responsible for commercial development in her position as Director of Sales & Marketing.
272. U.S. to be First Ever Feature Country at Singapore Airshow
A new highlight of the Singapore Airshow next year will be the “Feature Country”, and the United States has been designated as the first “Feature Country” at the show, scheduled to take place from 11-16 February 2014 at the Changi Exhibition Centre.

Documents 265-272 of 314 displayed.

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