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Your search for MasterIndex found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 257-264 of 464, with best matches first:

257. Great Singapore Sale Records 28% Increase in Total MasterCard Spend
Great Singapore Sale Records 28% Increase in Total MasterCard Spend. The Great Singapore Sale (GSS) 2010 concluded with a 28% increase in total spend by both local and tourist MasterCard cardholders. The total spend over the two-month period of the GSS (28 May - 25 July 2010) was US$893.2 million (S$1.21 billion), as compared to the US$697.7 million (S$944.8 million) spent in the s
258. The Contributory Factors in Successful Trade Exhibitions
The Contributory Factors in Successful Trade Exhibitions. Popular London venues Earls Court and Olympia (EC&O) have concluded the first in a series of surveys aimed at facilitating research into the UK’s £9.3bn exhibition market. Playing host to over 2 million exhibition visitors annually, including those attending prestigious trade events such as The London Book Fair, PLASA, ATE,
259. MasterCard Survey: Consumers in Asia Pacific Saving For Rainy Days
MasterCard Survey: Consumers in Asia Pacific Saving For Rainy Days. Consumers in Asia Pacific are saving up for rainy days ahead, according to the MasterCard Worldwide Index of Consumer Purchasing Priorities. A vast majority of consumers in the region (87%) today say that saving is very important or important to them. It is especially a priority for those earning less than US$10,00
260. Strong Preference for Self-Service Check-In at Paris Charles de Gaulle
Strong Preference for Self-Service Check-In at Paris Charles de Gaulle. According to results from the latest SITA / Air Transport World Passenger Self-Service Survey, a global survey of air travellers’ habits and attitudes, travellers using Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) have the highest preference for self-service check-in but it is mainly Air France passengers who exercise the opt
261. Economic Slump Derails America’s Tourism Boom
Economic Slump Derails America’s Tourism Boom. IPK International is forecasting that US outbound travel will be hit harder in 2009 than inbound travel. IPK will release extensive details on America’s inbound and outbound travel performance during the ITB Future Day, March 11, at ITB Berlin.
262. Travel and Tourism Economy GDP to Contract by 3.6% in 2009
Travel and Tourism Economy GDP to Contract by 3.6% in 2009. On Thursday, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) revealed the results of its 2009 Economic Impact Research at its annual ITB Berlin press conference in the presence of industry leaders from different sectors of Travel & Tourism - high-level government representatives, and its research partner Oxford Economics.
263. What the Rugby World Cup Means to New Zealand
The Rugby World Cup 2011 could generate US$1.67 billion (NZ$2 billion) for the global sports economy with overseas visitors to New Zealand generating US$654 million (NZ$782.5 million), according to new research commissioned by MasterCard. MasterCard’s research - the Economic Impact on Global Rugby Part IV: Rugby World Cup 2011 - finds that sport associated economic activity may be
264. MasterCard Acquires Travelex’s Prepaid Card Program
MasterCard Acquires Travelex’s Prepaid Card Program. MasterCard has purchased the prepaid Card Program Management (CPM) operations of Travelex for US $458 million in cash, with an earn-out of up to an additional US $55 million if certain performance targets are met. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2011.

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