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Search Travel News Asia for: America

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Your search for America found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 209-216 of 9401, with best matches first:

209. Air Canada and VARIG Brazilian Airlines expand networks to serve more points in North and South
Air Canada and VARIG Brazilian Airlines expand networks to serve more points in North and South America
210. Elbit Systems to Exhibit at Air Warfare Symposium and Technology Exposition
Elbit Systems of America is to exhibit its capabilities in pilot situational awareness, targeting and precision guided munition seekers at the Air Force Association’s 33rd Annual Air Warfare Symposium and Technology Exposition. The event will take place between 1-3 March 2017 at the Rosen Shingle Creek in Orlando, Fla.
211. Marriott realigns Caribbean & Latin American Area Operational and Regional Sales Leadership Posi
Marriott realigns Caribbean & Latin American Area Operational and Regional Sales Leadership Positions. Marriott International has realigned its area operational and regional sales leadership positions in the Caribbean & Latin America region. The moves are the result of Regional Vice President of Sales and Marketing Dominic Sherry's transfer to a similar position to the company's As
212. Comlux to Install OnAir on VIP Airbus A320 Prestige
Comlux to Install OnAir on VIP Airbus A320 Prestige. Comlux is to install OnAir's inflight mobile communications service on its flagship Airbus A320 Prestige. The long-range aircraft outfitted by Comlux America Completion Center, will complement the Comlux VIP wide-body Airbus fleet and will offer passengers a state-of-the-art cabin environment including modern air-to-ground commun
213. Chicago a Key Driver to Etihad’s Future Growth
Etihad Airways CEO Cites Chicago as Key Driver to Airline’s Future Growth. Etihad Airways’ chief executive James Hogan said on Monday that the United States of America remains a largely untapped market for Etihad Airways and spoke of how the airline’s new Chicago service is set to become an important driver to the airline’s future growth.
214. 70% of World’s Busiest Inter-City Routes Are Within Asia
The most important inter-regional growth patterns of last year are led by Asia. Traffic between Asia and Europe, and between Asia and North America, grew by 9%. Traffic between Asia and the Middle East grew 6% reaching 38 million travellers in the year. Compared with the previous year, 2% fewer passengers travelled between Africa and Europe in 2011; this was the only region pair wi
215. El Salvador to Host CATHIE in 2010
El Salvador to Host CATHIE in 2010. The next Central America Tourism & Hotel Investment Exchange (CATHIE) is to be held 13 - 15 April 2010, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel San Salvador, El Salvador.
216. Finnair to Enter Joint Business with AA, BA and Iberia
Finnair is to join the transatlantic joint business, established by American Airlines, British Airways and Iberia in October 2010. As part of the joint business, Finnair will add its (AY) code to selected American Airlines, British Airways and Iberia flights between North America and Europe (EU, plus Norway and Switzerland).

Documents 209-216 of 9401 displayed.

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