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Search Travel News Asia for: "Hyatt Regency Bangkok"

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Your search for Hyatt Regency Bangkok found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 185-192 of 375, with best matches first:

185. Conrad Chun Appointed Vice President of Communications for Boeing Commercial Airplanes
Conrad Chun has been appointed as Vice President of Communications for Boeing Commercial Airplanes, effective immediately. Chun most recently served as vice president of Communications for Boeing Global Services where he was responsible for media relations, employee and executive communications, digital communications, government and customer relations, and product and services ma
186. Airbus to Showcase Numerous Aircraft at Dubai Airshow 2019
Airbus has unveiled which aircraft, services and technology it will showcase at the Dubai Airshow, from 17-21 November 2019. On the static display, visitors will be able to get up close to Airbus range of commercial aircraft. This includes Fiji Airways' A350-900, Salam Airs A320neo, and EgyptAirs A220-300 (formerly the Bombardier CS300).
187. Belfast to Host ExploreGB 2020 Travel Trade Show in May
VisitBritains largest annual travel trade event - Explore Great Britain (GB) and Northern Ireland, will next year be held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) Belfast from 18 to 20 May. Buyers and journalists from the UKs largest inbound visitor markets including Australia, France, Germany and the US are expected to attend as well as from Brazil, Canada, China, India and
188. Lost Bags and Airline Baggage Tracking - Interview with Peter Drummond, SITA
It has happened to most frequent travellers at one time or another, you arrive at your destination only to find that the baggage you checked-in a few hours earlier somehow missed the flight. How does that happen, are more bags being delayed or lost now than in previous years, and what technology can airports and airlines use to minimise, or even eradicate, this problem? Those are j
189. AAPA Cancels 63rd Assembly of Presidents Scheduled to Take Place in Hong Kong
The Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA) has cancelled its annual Assembly of Presidents. The event, the 63rd Assembly of Presidents, was scheduled to take place in Hong Kong on 21 and 22 November 2019.
190. BelugaXL Receives EASA Type Certification
The BelugaXL has received Type Certification from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), paving the way for entry-into-service by early 2020. Being seven metres longer and one metre wider than its BelugaST predecessor, the BelugaXL has 30% extra transport capacity.
191. United Airlines Helps Passengers Battle Jet Lag with Timeshifter
United Airlines customers now have a new way to try and battle jet lag through a partnership with Timeshifter, an app that outlines the best time to see and avoid light, sleep and enjoy caffeine to adjust quickly to a new time zone.
192. Siam Ocean to Install Latest HVAC Technology at Anantara Hotels Globally
Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas has partnered with Siam Ocean Technology to introduce the latest heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) technology to its hotels around the world. Starting with the Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort, the roll out will commence in Thailand this year before continuing across Asia and beyond.

Documents 185-192 of 375 displayed.

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