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Your search for Travelport found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 176-180 of 13959, with best matches first:

176. Copa Airlines Signs New Global Full Content Distribution Agreement with Travelport
Copa Airlines, subsidiary of Copa Holdings, S.A., has signed a a new global full content agreement with Travelport. The new multi-year agreement secures access to the airline’s full range of published fares and inventory for all Travelport-connected travel agents, corporate customers and online agencies worldwide booking through Galileo and Worldspan, with immediate effect.
177. Travelport GDS launches New Customisable Version of ViewTrip
Travelport GDS launches New Customisable Version of ViewTrip. Travelport GDS, one of the world's largest global distribution system providers has enhanced its online itinerary tool ViewTrip and launched a new customisable version (white label) which will enable agents in the Asia Pacific region to earn new revenue streams.
178. Travelport Enters Kazakhstan
Travelport is setting up new business operations for the first time in Kazakhstan. Global Travel Distribution Kazakhstan LLP, an enterprise of Singapore-based Global Travel Services and an existing Travelport distributor in four countries, will provide local travel agents with access to the Galileo and Worldspan GDS platforms and technology as well as offer customer support.
179. Travelport appoints Gordon Wilson as Deputy CEO
Travelport appoints Gordon Wilson as Deputy CEO. Travelport has approved the appointment of Gordon Wilson as the company's Deputy Chief Executive Officer, effective 5 November 2009. Mr. Wilson will continue to serve as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the company's GDS and IT Services and Software businesses.
180. Travelport Launches Business Insights Solution
Travelport has launched a new solution that delivers travel agencies and corporate organisations near real-time access to actionable insights from a vast range of data sources. The Travelport Business Insights product will bring a range of benefits including the ability to optimise supplier contracts, enhancing customer service and improving the agency’s operational efficiencies.

Documents 176-180 of 13959 displayed.

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