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Search Travel News Asia for: "Huvafen Fushi"

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Your search for Huvafen Fushi found the following documents (of 52086 documents searched):
Displaying documents 169-176 of 206, with best matches first:

169. FCS Partners Thailand's Piramid Solutions
FCS Computer Systems has signed a Valued Business Partnership agreement with Piramid Solutions Co., Ltd., one of Thailand's most prominent IT solution integration providers. As a result of the partnership, Piramid Solutions will begin to supply its client base with access to the comprehensive suite of products known as the FCS Rainbow Solution.
170. Tune Opens Hotel in Cyberjaya, Malaysia
Tune Hotels has expanded its portfolio of hotels in Malaysia with the opening of the 162-room Tune Hotel DPulze Cyberjaya. Located right at the centre of the central business district (CBD), the hotel is part of the DPulze Cyberjaya integrated development that comprises hotels, apartments and a shopping centre.
171. JAL Revises Flight Schedules
JAL has revised its flight schedules from the second half of FY2014 in order to strengthen the airline's international network due to expected growth of demand on its North America-Asia routes, and also to improve transit connections to/from the airline's domestic network within Japan.
172. Asia Pacific Airlines Traffic Results for June 2014
Asia Pacific airlines carried a combined total of 20.6 million international passengers in June, 2.1% more than the same month last year. Compared to previous months, traffic growth in June was relatively slower, with leisure travel markets partly affected by the on-going political situation in Thailand.
173. Emirates Opens Airport Lounge in Glasgow
Emirates is celebrating the start of the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games with the official opening of its lounge at Glasgow Airport by the airline’s President Sir Tim Clark. Emirates is the first international airline to open a dedicated lounge at Glasgow Airport and marks the airline’s 10th year of service to the Scottish city. With the opening of the lounge, Glasgow becomes the 3
174. AirAsia Becomes First Airline in AP to Implement New Amadeus Technology
AirAsia has become the first airline in Asia Pacific to implement light ticketing technology from Amadeus which gives travel agencies an even simpler way to book the airline’s content. For the first time, traditional shopping, booking and back-office flows will be combined with real-time dynamic fares provided through AirAsia’s XML connection with Amadeus. Amadeus connected travel
175. ATC Unveils Details of Upcoming Beijing Conference
Air traffic management professionals from across the globe will be meeting in Beijing at the ATC Global exhibition and conference on 17-19 September 2014. Running for its 24th year with full backing from China’s Air Navigation Service provider (ATMB) and China’s Aviation Regulator (CAAC), ATC Global will facilitate business partnerships and knowledge sharing between colleagues from
176. Airbus A350-900 Enters Final Stage of Certification with Route Proving Tests
The Airbus A350-900 has entered the final stage of certification. The Route Proving tests are designed to demonstrate readiness for airline operations and will include high airfield performance, auto-landing trials, and airport turnaround and handling services. Some flights will have passengers on board. The A350 world tour itinerary includes 14 major airports worldwide and one rou

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