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Pictures of the Press

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Have you ever wondered what it must be like for people to answer questions in front of hundreds of the worlds press? Not many of us are in that position to know. Here are just a few sneak shots of just a situation, and this is where the press are controlled by barriers, imagine a free for all! We decided t share these images with you more out of a curiosity factor than anything else. The press here are awaiting a major interview in Hong Kong.

We would like to remind you that all images and pictures on this site are copyright (notice below pictures). All the pictures below are available on demand in high resolution format. Please feel free to visit all our other galleries of pictures from around the world where we have many more pictures of the Press and pictures from other countries in Asia and around the world.

Simply click on any of the pictures of the Press below to see the larger version which will open in a new window.

Pictures of the Press Pictures of the Press Pictures of the Press
During the Interviews all cameras rolling. Waiting for the job to begin. Eventually barriers break and so people comein from all sides.
  Pictures of the Press  
  Look like fun uh ?!  

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