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Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - Page 9 of 9


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Assortment of Pictures from the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens

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We featured live coverage and the results of the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens 2008. You can also check out the pictures of previous Hong Kong Rugby Sevens from our Pictures of the 2006 and 2007 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens

We would like to remind you that all images and pictures on this site are copyright (notice below pictures). All the pictures below are available on demand in high resolution format. Please feel free to visit all our other galleries of pictures from around the world where we have many more pictures of Hong Kong and pictures from other countries in Asia and around the world.

Pictures of the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens 2008 - Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9.

Simply click on any of the pictures of the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens 2008 below to see the larger high resolution version which will open in a new window. 

Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - click to enlarge to large size high resolution (opens in a new window) The amount of beer and Pimm's sold during the Sevens is mind boggling in more ways than one! Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - click to enlarge to large size high resolution (opens in a new window) Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - click to enlarge to large size high resolution (opens in a new window)
Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - click to enlarge to large size high resolution (opens in a new window)   Pictures of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens - click to enlarge to large size high resolution (opens in a new window)

Please do take note that all pictures and images on this site are strictly copyright and it is strictly prohibited to use in any form, any of these pictures, without prior permission from If you would like for whatever reason to use any of the pictures please Contact Us giving full details of your requirements and use.

In our 2008 Hong Kong Coverage Sevens we offer Pictures from the Sevens, featuring all the fun and even a few of the rugby, 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens Fixtures, Results from the First Day of the 2008 Hong Kong Sevens, Results from the Second Day of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, Results from Day Three of the 2008 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens and even some live text coverage of the more popular games.

You may be also be interested to check out the Pictures from Past Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, and see the results etc from the 2007 Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, plus there are many more useful tips about Hong Kong in the links below.


Topics covering Hong Kong: Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2015, Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2014, Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2013, HD Videos from Hong Kong Seven 2010, Pictures of Cathay Pacific / HSBC Hong Kong Sevens 2012, Hotels in Hong Kong 'Mainland', Hotels in Hong Kong 'Island', Hotels in Hong Kong Airport, Hong Kong Airport, Hong Kong Reduces Duty Free Tobacco Allowance, Hong Kong Airport Left Luggage, Hong Kong Airport Bus, Hong Kong Airport Express, Hong Kong Airport Express Bus, Hidden Hotel Charges in Hong Kong, Using Mobile Telephone in Hong Kong, Dim Sum, Bars in Hong Kong, Knutsford Terrace, Thrilling New Way to See Hong Kong, Hong Kong Frequent Traveller Card, Hong Kong Car Rental, Buying Electronics, General Travel Information, Ocean Park Hong Kong, Rolex, Transport in Hong Kong, Pictures of Hong Kong, Special Hong Kong Hotel Offers, Shenzhen - Day Trip, Money Tips and Currency Converter, Hong Kong Visitor Arrivals. plus Latest Travel News about Hong Kong. Macau: Macau.

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