As part of its 85th anniversary celebrations, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is offering additional support to its KLM AirCares charity
program, which is celebrating its 5th anniversary, by doubling all Flying Dutchman miles donated by FD members via in November.
In addition, the KLM Executive Board
said it will double all donations made to AirCares during the KLM Open House on October 9 and
10. KLM AirCares generated a sum of EUR 38,000 by auctioning a wide variety of items and organizing various other fundraising
activities surrounding its 5th anniversary. When this sum is doubled, the total raised for AirCares relief programs amounts to
EUR 76,000.
AirCares took center stage at the recent Open House event attended by KLM employees, their families and friends. KLM
85th-anniversary celebrations served as a platform to bring the 5th anniversary of AirCares to the attention of the 30,000-plus
visitors who attended the event.
The relief organizations supported by AirCares presented themselves to the public with a richly varied program of performances
that took place on a large stage. All the organizations also had information and sales stands surrounding the stage, where
visitors could join their programs as benefactors.
Over the past five years, KLM AirCares has supported 20 projects
providing relief to underprivileged children around the world. Every quarter, AirCares selects a different relief organization and supports one of
their structural projects.
During the last quarter of 2004, KLM AirCares is supporting Unicefs relief program for the children of Bam (Iran), a city
destroyed by a massive earthquake earlier this year.
KLM AirCares supports fundraising by bringing relief programs to the attention of KLM passengers and asking them to donate
FD miles and money. As of November 1, there will no longer be a minimum for FD mile donations.
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