Hospitality Financial and Technology
Professionals (HFTP) and the GuestRoom 20X Task Force, a group of
hospitality technology leaders and experts, have changed the
schedule for the GuestRoom 20X project.
The special exhibit, which displays many of the
hospitality industry's most innovative technologies for guest rooms, is to cease being an annual project to becoming a new
version of the model guest room on alternating years.
The next version of GuestRoom 20X will
consequently be unveiled at the 2010 Hospitality Industry
Technology Exposition and Conference at the Orange County
Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.
"When the project was originally devised it was
unknown the popularity or following that would accompany the
project," said Brian Garavuso, CHTP, EVP and CIO of Diamond
Resorts International and chair of the GuestRoom 20X Task Force.
"This popularity drives HFTP and the GuestRoom 20X Task Force to
raise the bar each year. The time extension allows us to produce a
quality exhibit for HITEC 2010 attendees."
GuestRoom 20X will continue to educate during
off years by presenting a portable presentation detailing the
room's technologies. The portable presentation has already been
shown across North America, Europe and Asia since its inception in
GuestRoom 20X’s education sessions so far in
2009 include Poland, Hong Kong, Singapore and various North
American locations.
HFTP's publication The Bottomline released
a GuestRoom 20X special edition in May, showcasing the latest in
GuestRoom technology.
"Over the past three years, GuestRoom 20X has
garnered a reputation as providing the first glimpse into the
possibilities of future GuestRoom technologies," said Frank Wolfe,
CAE, CEO of HFTP. "Even during non-exhibiting years, the project
will continue to be on the forefront of hospitality technology
trends as it educates professionals in various industries around
the world."
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