Floor space at the inaugural ITB Asia, 22-24 October in Singapore, has been sold out three months ahead the show.
Any new exhibitor applications will now have to join a waiting list for floor space.
To date, exhibitors from 42 countries have booked more than 500 units of booth space in Halls 601-603 at Suntec Singapore International
Convention and Exhibition Centre.
“The travel industry from around the world has responded magnificently to the ITB Asia proposition,” said Ms Whey Whey Ng, General Manager
of organizer, Messe Berlin (Singapore). “Many exhibitors say they have booked space for two main reasons: the ITB brand reputation and their desire to
attract visitors from Asia, the largest and fastest growing market in the world.”
Exhibitors from every sector of the industry, including destinations, airlines and airports, hotels and resorts, theme parks and attractions,
inbound tour operators, inbound DMCs, cruise lines, spas, venues, other meeting facilities and travel technology companies, have all booked
floor space.
Of all ITB Asia exhibitors this year, 39% come from the accommodation sector, 27% are either tour operators or travel agencies, 16% are
NTOs, and 10% are travel technology firms, MICE or corporate travel representatives. The remaining 8% comprise airlines, cruise lines, railways, spa
operators, car rentals, associations, media representatives, or information service providers.
For many exhibitors, ITB Asia will be their first trade show exposure in Asia. New exhibitors from outside the region include NTOs from Brazil,
Peru, Tanzania, Turkey, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Oman and Qatar. The Slovak Tourist Board is continuing its successful partnership with
Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, having taken-up a large joint space. There will also be diverse private sector offerings from Mongolia,
South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Greece, Peru and Egypt, to name a few.
“Most of our varied list of exhibitors know and trust us from ITB Berlin,” said Dr Martin Buck, Director of Messe Berlin (Singapore). “Through ITB
Asia, we are now in a fortunate position to help them secure a share of the rapidly expanding Asian market. It’s a logical expansion of our already
successful relationship from ITB Berlin.”
Sellers at ITB Asia will meet with hundreds of professional buyers with premium purchasing power from the region and around the world.
Applications for the Hosted Buyers Program are currently being vetted by Messe Berlin (Singapore) to ensure that the show has a large number
of quality buyers who buy or influence the purchase of leisure, corporate travel and MICE products all over the world.
other recent news regarding:
Travel News Asia, Promotions,
Hotels, ITB,
Asia, Singapore,
Trade Shows