PATA is forecasting robust growth for travel and tourism in the Asia Pacific region, with tourism revenues to top US$4.6 trillion and visitor
arrivals to reach close to 500 million by the end of 2010.
figures headline PATA's newly-published Asia Pacific Tourism Forecasts 2008-2010, officially launched in Singapore
on Wednesday.
Despite regional stock market volatility and uncertainty over local impacts of a possible US recession, the PATA Forecasts predict robust
average annual growth rates of between 7 and 8%.
PATA Director, Strategic Intelligence Centre, John
Koldowski, explained that as much as two-thirds of all international arrivals into Asia
Pacific are generated from within the region.
"Due to the global nature of business, Asian markets will inevitably be impacted by a slowdown in the US economy triggered by the credit
crunch. However, the medium-term outlook for most Asian economies is very strong with growth rates well above world averages," he
Mr Koldowski
added that localised issues and conflicts, including political and civil disruption in some markets, could pose a greater threat
to tourism growth.
The 40 Asia Pacific destinations covered by the Forecasts account for close to 98% of all international arrivals measured and tracked
across the Asia Pacific region in a given year making them a compelling measure of total activity across the wider Asia Pacific region as
defined by PATA.
Highlights of the Forecasts include:
Strong outbound growth - in volume - from China (PRC), Korea, Singapore and the
Strong outbound growth - in percentage terms -
from Gulf markets (including Bahrain and Oman) and Greater Mekong region markets (including Myanmar, Lao PDR and
Fiji and Nepal are showing extremely positive trends after periods of political
Asia to dominate growth: by 2010 Asia will receive the
same number of international visitors as the whole Asia Pacific region did in 2006.
Created using the very latest forecasting models by respected academics and industry experts - Professor Lindsay Turner of Victoria University and Professor Stephen Witt from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- the PATA Forecasts are geared for use by everyone in travel and tourism. The intelligence contained is
structured to be of daily, practical and demonstrable value to everyone whose business is travel and tourism.
"These Forecasts are the bedrock of the information that PATA provides members and partners in the travel and tourism industry. They are
indispensable for anyone from the tiniest spa in Bhutan to a global airline or national tourism organization," said Mr John
Koldowski, Director of the SIC.
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