From balloon fiestas to lava flow caverns, world-class skiing to pristine white sand fields, private spaceports to opera under the stars, New
Mexico has a million amazing things to see and do. The state has long drawn tourists from near and far; now it has started attracting them from
other worlds.
That's the creative idea behind the New Mexico Tourism Department's new ad campaign - "The Best Place In The Universe. New Mexico, Earth." -
developed by M&C Saatchi LA.
"People that have not visited often either have no idea or the wrong idea about New Mexico," said Michael Cerletti, Secretary of New Mexico
Tourism Department. "We needed a highly creative ad campaign to cut through the clutter of tourism advertising and encourage folks to consider
the uniqueness of New Mexico."
The integrated campaign includes two 30-second TV commercials (entitled "Taking Care of You" and "Personal Day"), as well as four print
executions - "Tourists," "Mountain Bike," "Golf" and "Fishing," which will appear in magazines, on billboards, taxi tops, coffee sleeves, etc. The
campaign directs consumers to a campaign web page, which includes a link to the New Mexico Tourism Department
web site.
"The message is that New Mexico truly is the best place in the universe to visit," said Johnny Montoya, Tourism Department Advertising Director.
"These ads will be unique and eye-catching; and they will increase the awareness of New Mexico as a vacation destination."
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