The World Tourism Organization
believes that the private sector will be able to play a key role in shaping
the global response to Climate Change and is encouraging tourism industry participation in a
stakeholders Conference to be held in Davos Switzerland between 1 - 3 of October this year.
Speaking at the Australian Climate Change Conference, Geoffrey Lipman UNWTO Assistant
Secretary General and Christopher Brown the Chair of UNWTO Business Council said that there is a
window of opportunity for the Tourism Sector to input into the mainstream global response to
Climate Change.
Mr Brown, who is also Managing Director of TTF Australia (Tourism & Transport Forum) said
“Tourism businesses and tourists are already recognising the need to act to reduce their carbon
footprint. We must also help to shape the global regime under which we will operate. To ensure this
happens, TTF will be making recommendations to the Davos Summit and encourage others in
industry, around the world to do the same. It is a unique characteristic of the UNWTO that it incorporates the industry into its membership
structure and we should take full advantage of it.”
Lipman said, “No one now doubts the reality of Climate Change and the UN system is committed to seeking solutions that are coherent with
other global challenges, particularly the war on poverty. This is important for tourism which is a vital export for poor countries. In seeking
solutions we are conscious of MDG 8 and its support for Public Private Partnerships, which is a foundation for tourism strategy”
He added “Davos, thanks to the World Economic Forum, is a place that is known for addressing global challenges and strong private sector
vision. We are delighted to have the support and involvement of the World Economic Forum and the Swiss Government, as well as the
partnership of UNEP and the WMO in this important event.”
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