Renowned Shiatsu Master, Rex Lassalle, has joined the
team at The Spa at Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park, London.
Lassalle is one of the most experienced Shiatsu Masters operating in Europe today and has developed ‘The Shiatsu Ginger Compress’ exclusively for spa guests.
Priced at GBP 240.00 per person, the two hour treatment includes deep Shiatsu massage to the feet, legs, lower back, shoulders, arms and neck.
Shiatsu is an Eastern therapy developed in Japan and involves applying a finger-pressure technique to specific points on the body, unblocking the flow of life energy
and restoring balance within the body. Focusing on self-healing through the stimulation of blood and lymphatic flow, the treatment assists in relieving pain and
strengthening the body’s resistance.
The Shiatsu Ginger Compress complements conventional shiatsu by enhancing the regeneration of the body’s core energy. Working to the Oriental model of body
function, this compress focuses on the kidneys, the centre of the body’s energy, and the organ governing the brain and sleep. This treatment is deeply relaxing for both
body and mind whilst intensely boosting circulation.
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