A distinctive brand identity for The Peak Tower has been unveiled, marking the first stage of an aggressive marketing campaign to relaunch Hong Kong’s landmark
tourist attraction.
With the tagline “A Brand New View”, the campaign aims to create excitement and a sense of anticipation for the revitalised shopping, dining and entertainment
destination, which will re-open in the middle of 2006.
The Peak already attracts over six million visitors a year and this is expected to grow significantly as tourism numbers continue to increase. The major renovation of The
Peak Tower coupled with the government’s proposed plans to upgrade the area in the immediate vicinity, is expected to generate substantially more interest in visiting
the popular destination and to encourage visitors to stay longer.

One of the key highlights of the new-look Peak Tower, owned by The
Hong Kong and Shanghai Hotels, Limited (HSH), will be the conversion of the entire rooftop of the
bowl-shaped building into a huge viewing platform, offering stunning 360-degree panoramas of Hong Kong.
“This campaign invites people to look at The Peak Tower from a totally different perspective as well as to appreciate its transformation into a dynamic retail, restaurant
and entertainment facility that they can’t afford to miss,” said Martyn Sawyer, HSH’s group general manager, properties and clubs.
Other noteworthy features in The Peak Tower’s revitalisation plans will include several upscale restaurants with choice views over Hong Kong, state-of-the art lighting
effects, and a singular “festival market” shopping arcade featuring contemporary reinterpretations of traditional Hong Kong venues such as Ladder Street and The
Ladies Market.
A year-round calendar of diverse and lively events is also planned to help make The Peak Tower a magnet for visitors from all walks of life, whether residents or tourists.
Renovation has
already commenced, although a limited number of businesses such as Madame
Tussaud’s and Pacific Coffee will continue to operate until the end of August
2005 when the building will be fully closed. The Peak Tram will, however, continue to operate normally throughout the entire renovation period, and as such, visitors will
still be able to enjoy some of the flavour of the Peak without interruption.
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