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Pictures of Koh Samui

Pictures of Chaweng Beach, Koh Samui, Thailand from January 2000

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Below are some diverse pictures of Chaweng Beach, the main and busiest of all the beaches on Koh Samui. Despite being so popular the beach is still one of the most beautiful beach on Koh Samui.

 The pictures were taken from Chaweng Cove in January 2000. The resort has since drastically changed and is now called the Chaweng Cove Resotel. The resort is next door to the luxurious Poppies Resort and is arguably in one of the best beach locations on Chaweng year round.

While Samui has changed tremendously over the years, the beauty of Samui remains just as mystical.

 Please use the links to the left to read our reviews of the Bars in Koh Samui, Things to do in Koh Samui etc. We would like to remind you that all images and pictures on this site are copyright (notice below).

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 Simply click on any of the pictures below to see the larger version which will open in a new window.

Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand
Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand
Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand
Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand   Pictures of Koh Samui, Thailand

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Pictures, Samui, Koh Samui

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